
Why investors are turning to financial astrology

Astrological trends Investors have been using astrology for centuries to predict future events. Today, many people use astrology to help them make investment decisions. There are several reasons why investors are turning to financial horoscopes. First, they believe that astrology can provide insight into the future. Second, they think that astrology can help them understand […]


Why it is a concern if the dollar is strong and why

The greenback is currently at its strongest level since 2014, according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Treasury Department. It’s been a long time coming. After years of low interest rates and a steady climb in stock prices, investors have finally started to feel comfortable about the economy. That means they’re willing to spend […]


Inflation is still an issue in America.

Inflation The inflation rate is the increase in prices over time. It is calculated by taking the current price of something and then subtracting the original price. If the inflation rate is positive, then prices have increased over time. If the inflation rate was negative, then prices would decrease over time. Consumer Price Index (CPI) […]


The Benefits Of Ignoring Delayed Gratification For Investors

Delayed gratification is a concept that many people struggle with. In fact, I think we’ve all been guilty at some point in our lives of not being able to resist the temptation of instant gratification. However, if you want to become successful in business, then you need to learn how to ignore the urge to […]


Economies with lower birth rates. Right?

1. Japan Japan’s population is aging rapidly. In fact, the country’s total fertility rate (TFR) — the average number of children born per woman over her lifetime — has been below 1.42 since 1961. That means Japan’s population is shrinking. 2. Italy Italy’s TFR was just 1.38 in 2017. And while the Italian government doesn’t […]